Designer Storage Solutions

Combining “the look” with function is one of the number one priorities I have when designing a space. We all have a lot of stuff to accommodate and it has to find a place to go one way or another. Visual Clutter takes up space, it boggs down your home, and puts a dampen on all of the beautiful aesthetics we’ve worked so hard to achieve.

Enclosed furniture and cabinets, canisters, hidden storage, and simply selective furniture and accessory choices can add to both look and function. Lets take a look at a few:

Kitchen & Pantry


I’ve lived in a bathroom with a normal two door cabinet and one with a half door and half drawers. And honestly what I needed was an upper! I needed to be able to display my skincare, my perfume, my products, as if it were a shelf in a store. Not under the sink and not in a drawer where it would be buried. And After I installed some shelves, my bathroom got an immediate makeover, it looked gorgeous… and got all my stuff off the counter!


One thing I hate is when people have lidded decoritive canisters like this and they sit empty. It’s pretty but it’s otherwise useless to own if you aren’t utilizing it. Canisters are great storage in kitchen and bath rooms for the things you need easy grabbable access. I have two sizes of the first one, in them I keep my hair elastics and the other, hair clips. I use them everyday and I can leave it accessible on my counter without it being an eye sore.


The bedroom is supposed to be a sanctuary. YOUR sanctuary. Where your are supposed to be very very selective about what enters and more importantly… what stayssss. there for ever and ever. Phone chargers, clothes, papers, prescriptions, keepsakes, journals, books. Its ok to have all of those things. But one thing is for certain… it BETTER be… I mean… BETTER BE behind closed doors. I don’t want to see all of that out. Unfortunately you cannot have a drawerless end table and expect to have a tidy space. Therefore my selections are all about increasing storage or adding storage.


You cannot have an office without drawers, without cabinets, filing, stationary, pens, pencils, paper. Books, cords, computers, etc. You NEED a place to put it all. Along with hopefully a few shelfs you can reserve for styling. But in the office, there isn’t much to add other than storage, and within that… making choices that not only enhance your workflow, but also maintains the look and design you are going for. These are my favourite office pieces that I think are both functional and visually pleasing.


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